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Strategy & Performance

LGIP offers 100% liquidity to its participants.





Any public entity in the state may participate in the LGIP program. It is structured to provide participants safety of principal, daily liquidity followed by investment income — in that order.

Monthly LGIP performance is reviewed by the Board of Investment. Detailed reports can be viewed .

Pool 5

Pool 5 is a diversified short-term fund similar to a prime money market fund. As of July 31, 2024, this pool had $3.27 Billion in assets with a Net Asset Value of $1.00. The fund continues to maintain the highest rating from S&P (AAA f/S1+).



Pool 7

Pool 7 is a short-term fund that invests in only products backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. As of July 31, 2024, this pool had $2.96 Billion in assets with a Net Asset Value of $1.00. Because Pool 7 invests in securities backed by the U.S. Government, it has an AAA weighted average rating.












Pool 500

Pool 500 is a medium-term fund. As of July 31, 2024, this pool had $688 Million in assets and a Floating Net Asset Value of $1.022572. The weighted average rating of all the securities in this pool is AA-3.


















Pool 700

Pool 700 is a full faith and credit medium-term fund. As of July 31, 2024, this pool had $215.4 Million in assets with a Floating Net Asset Value of $1.003137. Because Pool 700 invests in securities backed by the U.S. Government, it has an AAA weighted average rating.



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