Endowment Investment Performance
November 30, 2024
Investing the Endowment
Proposition 102 in 1998 made two significant changes in how the Endowment can be invested.
It allowed up to 60% of the endowment to be invested in equities.
It changed the distribution formula to protect the principal from inflation and contained a 4-year transition from the old formula to the new.
The measure also included:
o A “Prudent Person” investment standard
o Up to 60% may be invested in equity securities
o Up to 100% may be invested in fixed income securities
o Standards established for calculating ‘total return’ and ‘distributions’
o Distributions equal to 5-year average total return – LESS – inflation (‘net return’),
o Multiplied by the average (prior) 5-year market value of each Fund
The United States Congress amended the Enabling Act (the Act that admitted Arizona into the Union) to allow Prop 102 changes to go into effect.
Any change in distribution, management, or investment of the State Trust Land Endowment requires BOTH an Arizona Constitutional change and a Federal Enabling Act change.
Current Constitutional Guidelines
Article 10, Section 7 of the Arizona Constitution outlines the requirements for the investment and distribution of Endowment Funds.
Proposition 123, passed by voters in May 2016, added an additional 4.4% to this distribution, for a total of 6.9% per year from FY 2016 through FY 2025 and making permanent the 2.5% per year distribution starting in FY 2026.
Proposition 118 in 2012 amended the distribution formula to be 2.5% of the 5-year market value for each Fund for Fiscal Years 2013 through 2021.
The Board of Investment serves as the trustee of the Endowment.
The State Treasurer’s Office manages the investment activities.